The Before
With exposed knee walls, and an insulation level below standard, no wonder the home was leaky and inefficient.

Air Seal and Baffles Installed
Air seal prevents air from leaking through the top plates thus, losing the air you want to keep inside of your home into the attic. The baffles will allow your attic to breath through the soffits even after we add 14 inches of cellulose.

More Air Seal Alongside the Dam
The dam is installed to allow the homeowner to access the attic even with the new level of insulation.

Knee Wall Spray Foamed
Instead of hanging batt onto the knee wall, we recommend spray foam. Spray foam will expand into every nook and cranny and give you a good seal to prevent air leakage while also acting as insulation.

The Final Step: Cellulose
Once everything is sealed and prepped, we add 14 inches of cellulose to give a total of 17 inches, which is what is recommended in the state of Maryland. Job complete!