Attic Hatch Has No Insulation
Attic openings are large areas that allow both air infiltration and serve as a major thermal bypass. This opening has nothing to keep it from leaking air.
Attic Hatch Get New Attic Tent
We installed weather stripping around the hatch cover and caulked the framing joints. We also installed an attic tent (that aluminum looking material) over the opening in order to better insulate the space.
Attic Is Completely Empty
The attic has absolutely no insulation which leaves the home without any energy efficiency or comfort.
Attic Is Filled With Cellulose Insulation
We insulated the home with TruSoft Cellulose. This was able to keep the home at a stable temperature, reducing heating & cooling bills throughout the year.
No Air Sealing & No Insulation
Here's another angle at the attic before we installed any insulation. As you can see, there is nothing preventing the cold and hot air from passing right through.
New Insulation to Keep This Home Warm
The TruSoft Cellulose also serves as a great soundproofing material along with the fantastic insulation that it provides.
Attic Ruler Shows No Insulation
Just to put it in perspective, here's a ruler measuring the insulation levels in the attic (obviously right now there's nothing to measure).
Attic Ruler Shows New R-49 Levels
Here's what the insulation measures up to after we're done. The insulation levels are now at R-49, which is the recommended standard by BPI for our climate zone.