
NHHM2021: 5 Common Home Energy Issues

5 Common Home Energy Issues - Image 1                                                                     

1. Air Leaks

Air leaks can come through doors, windows, bad ductwork and more. Air leaking out causes air to leak in as well. Heat rises, so warm air rises and leaks out of the upper levels of your home while the house sucks in new air from the lower levels. In the winter this air is cold and in the summer it is hot and moist. This makes the temperature in your home uncomfortable and ends up costing more money. We provide attic insulation services that can help prevent the air from leaking out of your attic and bringing in the hot air in the summer. We also offer window and door services and fix leaky ductwork to make your home more energy efficient.

2. Insufficient Home Insulation

Insulation is our specialty! Bad insulation or lack of insulation causes uncomfortable temperatures in your home. Insulation acts as a sweater in the winter to keep everything warm. In the heat of summer it keeps the cool air inside and the hot air outside. In the process it saves you money! We offer spray foam insulation, blown-in insulation, and fiberglass insulation. We can do attics, basements, crawl spaces, and even your garage. Call us for a free estimate!

3. Energy-Draining Heating & Cooling

Insufficient heating and cooling results in very high energy bills for obvious reasons. It is important to have a heating and cooling system that works efficiently and keeps your home comfortable. Insulation will help this as well as fixing or installing new heating and cooling systems, another service that we provide.

4. Faulty Lighting

Faulty lighting is another common home energy issue. Energy efficient lighting demands less electricity. We offer home energy audits through your utility company for $100 in which we look over your entire home to see how we can make it more energy efficient. In the process, you could be eligibile to have your faulty lightbulbs replaced!

5. Leaving Electronics & Appliances Running

This is one thing you can do on your own! Leaving electronics and appliances running is a great way to waste money. They continuously use small amounts of electricity which is wasteful. Get in the habit of turning electronics and appliances off when they are not in use!

Give us a call to utilize our services and make your home more energy efficient! 1-410-867-1202

our service area

We serve the following areas

MarylandDistrict of Columbia Our Locations:

Complete Home Solutions
5463 Southern Maryland Blvd Unit #5
Lothian, MD 20711