
The Importance of Clean Coils


The Importance of Clean Coils - Image 1

Are you aware that your outdoor air conditioning unit has coils that need to be cleaned to ensure you house can be properly cooled? When is the last time you have looked at the coils on your outdoor air conditioning unit? A proper cleaning can make a real difference in how well a system operates, if neglected, unnecessary and more expensive problems can result.


It is important to check what is in the cleaner for the coil as you do not want anything that will react poorly with the aluminum of the coil fins. The most effective way to clean your coils is found to use a high-flow, low-pressure nozzle with the appropriate cleaner or even an alkaline solution for dirtier units and aiming the stream parallel to the coil fins. It is recommended to do this once or twice a year at least and you want to make sure you are spraying the side where the air leaves the coil to the side where the air enters the coil. Think of your air conditioning unit of a clothes dryer and how it preforms when the lint trap is full versus when it empty, it makes a world of a difference when looking at the performance. While people may think it is not a big deal to maintain the coil, ask yourself “is it worth it for m systems performance?’ and the answer to that is absolutely, yes.

For any of your Air Conditioning needs call Complete Home Solutions today at 1-410-867-1202 or visit our site at!

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