Stay Cool Without Breaking the Bank!
Temperatures this week have sky rocketed and reached well over 100 degrees! But did you know that the temperature in your attic can reach 150 degrees on hot summer days? You might be thinking; why do I care how hot my attic is if I don’t spend time up there? If your home isn’t properly air sealed or has insufficient insulation, you could be driving up your cooling costs as much as 40%.
This is because the air in your home rises. Meaning all the cold air that you’re A/C unit is working to produce rises up into your attic and leaks out of your home. When that cold air leaks out of your house, new air has to enter your home to replace that missing air. Hot humid air then enters your home, while the nice, cold air you’re paying for slips through the cracks and leaks out through your attic.
If your home was built before 2010 odds are your home is suffering from insufficient insulation levels. Before insulating, you should air seal around any recessed lights, all attic top plates and penetrations, vents and plumbing pipes that may be in your attic. When your attic isn’t air sealed, the insulation you have in your home acts as an air filter rather than a thermal boundary. Get the most out of your attic insulation and improve your comfort and utility bills!
Call us today for a for more information and your free attic inspection. You, too can defeat the attic heat, be more comfortable, and save money on your utility bills. Call 1-410-867-1202 or check us out online at