
Time Change is this Weekend

Be sure your check-list is up-to-date for this weekend. Not only should you remember to check your smoke detectors' and the CO detectors' batteries, there are a number of other safety items to check.

-Double check your home and other storage places for any hazardous materials. You should properly discard anything that is outdated, no longer in use or in bad condition.

-Prepare a disaster supply kit for your house consisting of water, food, flashlights, batteries, blankets, etc. If you already have a disaster supply kit, use the time change to test the contents and replace as needed.

-Make a "car-emergency kit" and put it in your vehicle. Similar to a disaster supply kit the "car-emergency kit" should have bottled water, non-perishable snacks, blankets, flashlights, extra batteries, but also consider repair tools and fire extinguishers.   Try an internet search of "car-emergency kit" to get more great ideas.

-Make sure to check and get rid of expired medications. Daylight savings time is a good time to check your medicine cabinet. Medication can cause serious problems as they age. even over-the-counter medicine can go bad so check those expiration dates.

Enjoy the extra hour to your day!

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Lothian, MD 20711